


We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support.


  • Wright Family Foundation


Ministry of Social Development

Winner: Plain English Champion — Best Organisation 2013

Lynda Harris, CEO of Write Limited (Awards sponsor), with Carl Crafar, National Commissioner, and Louise Beaumont, Communications Manager at Work and Income, Ministry of Social Development

Judges' comment

The Ministry of Social Development developed strategic objectives and backed these up by following sound principles that support clear communication.

Key tactics included testing communications, using a range of channels, focussing on people most affected, and reassuring those least affected. I believe these tactics show a good understanding of their clients’ needs.

Media statement

The Ministry of Social Development is delighted to win the 2013 Best Plain English Champion Award.

Over the past two years, the Ministry has been implementing the Government’s welfare reform programme, representing the biggest changes to the welfare system in 50 years.  

From 15 July 2013, three new benefits — Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent Support and Supported Living Payment replaced the Unemployment Benefit, Sickness Benefit, Invalid’s Benefit, Widow’s Benefit and the Domestic Purposes Benefit.

The majority of Work and Income’s forms, brochures and web copy were revised to reflect the changes and the opportunity was taken to ensure information was easy for clients to understand and use. Clients, stakeholders and staff were extensively consulted in the development and testing of communications.

A personalised letter and tailored leaflet was sent to 370,000 clients and their partners explaining what the changes meant for them. This information was written in plain English to ensure changes relevant to the client were clearly explained, and importantly, clients were reassured their payments would stay the same.

Only 2.5% of clients called the Work and Income contact centre for further clarification after receiving their letter, a significant change from past experience where 25% of clients generally telephoned after receiving a letter advising significant changes.

MSD is continuing to use the lessons from the welfare reform communications and a plain English approach in all its communications.

Emily Fulford

Advisor — Planning, Performance and Governance

2013 Awards winners and finalists